Great news! inPact's first Project Launch!
Two weeks ago, inPact representatives Jean Victor and Antoine returned from the Republic of Benin a small vibrant and peaceful country in West Africa, where they had been on an important mission… inPact’s first official country visit!!
The purpose of this seminal trip was to visit Tori, a small town in Benin, in which a project to construct new infrastructure for the existing town school has been launched. In this first attempt at project support inPact was successful in raising all the funds it had promised in order to support this project, as well as being able to deliver much needed and appreciated school supplies (stationary, reading materials etc) that were generously supplied from the Netherlands by the pupils and families of the Eglantier School in Delft. The school pupils and school director asked that we extend a special thank you to the pupils and teachers from the Eglantier School and their families. Jean Victor and Antoine were able to visit the school in person and get a first-hand account the project plans from the project owners and organisers. They also got to meet and spend time with the excited school pupils, staff, supportive townspeople, and the other local partners ABB, and AADR. While they were there, there was a project kick-off ceremony organized by the school to commemorate the start of the
project and thank all the project supporters. There was music and several touching speeches given by the school pupils and their parents, the school directors and other stakeholders, that expressed their thanks for the all the support and efforts made to bring this project to life.
After these events, the construction was promptly kicked-off to cheers and applause, having started right on time the construction is expected to be finished within the next 6 months. As this is our flagship project, inPact will be following the progress of the project closely and will stay in close contact with the project owners and local partners, we also intend to publish photos and videos detailing the progress for those who provided support to this project and for any who are interested on our website.
Thanks to the generous contributions we received our fund-raising target was easily achieved, and we at inPact would like to thank you for all your trust and support on this project. Now, that this project has been launched successfully, we are on the lookout for new and interesting projects to support. So please try stay up to date by regularly checking our Website, Facebook, and Instagram feeds for new and exciting projects that can bring real positive impacts to real people all across the planet.
Finally, inPact would like to wish a big thank you to all who helped make this first project a success, and please stay tuned to discover where you can act next! P.S. The Houngo School pupils and School Director asked that we extend a special thank you to the pupils and teachers from the Eglantier School and their families, for their kind generosity and thoughtfulness.